La carrera artística de Patricia comenzó con su medio preferido, el pastel, donde se conectaba profundamente con su obra al mezclar los pigmentos a mano, capturando emociones puras en cada trazo. Para encargar una pieza personalizada o adquirir una pintura existente, contáctanos en
bodegón / still life
Bodegón 19.5" x 22.5"
Moments of Reflection 10" x 13.5"
On the Rocks 15" x 21"
paisajes / landscapes
Creek 8.5" x 11.5"
Farm House 8" x 10"
Japanese Garden 24" x 18"
Lake Kedron 10.5" x 12"
Relaxing Evenings 16" x 20"
Sunrise 16" x 14"
Sunset in Key Biscayne 12" x 23"
Water MiIl 17" x 23.5"
naturaleza / NATURE
Yellow Orchid 12" x 18"
Magnolia 12" x 24"
Heliconia 16" x 20"
Zapotes 12" x 14"
Roses 16" x 18"
Yellow Tree 8.5" x 11.5"
Tree 8.5" x 11.5"
Bailarina 1 30" x 40"
Bailarina 2 14.5" x 20.5"
Patricia’s artistic journey began with her preferred medium of pastel, where she connected deeply with her work by blending pigments by hand, capturing raw emotions in every stroke. To commission a custom piece or purchase an existing painting, contact us at