óleo / OIL
Descubre las exquisitas pinturas al óleo de Luz Patricia Restrepo, con impresionantes colecciones en las categorías de Bodegones, Naturaleza, Paisajes y Retratos. Cada obra maestra está disponible para la venta, y se pueden solicitar encargos artísticos enviando un correo a restrepogallery@gmail.com
Discover the exquisite oil paintings by Luz Patricia Restrepo, featuring stunning collections in the categories of Still Life, Nature, Landscape, and Portraits. Each masterpiece is available for sale, and commission art can be requested by emailing restrepogallery@gmail.com
Cartuchos 12" x 36"
Silk & Roses 12" x 36"
Sunflower 12" x 36"
Orange Lily 12" x 36"
Red Orchids 12" x 36"
White Water Lily 12" x 36"
Jan: "Puertas Abiertas" 10" x 10"
Feb: "Detox" 10" x 10"
Mar: "Life Through a Lens" 10" x 10"
Apr: "Spring" 10" x 10"
May: "Mother's Day" 10" x 10"
Jun: "North Dakota Summer" 10" x 10"
Jul: "Venice" 10" x 10"
Aug: "Empty Nest" 10" x 10"
Sep: "Colombian Valentine's Day" 10" x 10"
Oct: "Beautiful Demise" 10" x 10"
Nov: "The Road Less Traveled" 10" x 10"
Dec: "Nativity" 10" x 10"
Detras de Mascaras I 24" x 36"
Detras de Mascaras II 20" x 24"
Mi Mundo Llora 24" x 24"
Gaza 26" x 26"
Pinochio 30" x 30"
Colombia Avanza 24" x 24"
El Niño 24" x 36"
Miami Skyline 24" x 48"
"Lighthouse" 24" x 48"
"My Life as The Sea / OLAS" 24" x 48"
Dulce Atardecer 24" x 36"
Journey to Freedom. 24" x 30"
Peaceful Moments 24" x 30"
"Costa Azul" 16" x 20"
Atlanta Sunrise 18" x 24"
Faro 24" x 24"
Sunset 16" x 14"
Waterfall 16" x 12"
Ave del Paraiso 24" x 24"
Ave del Paraíso 2 16" x 20"
Libertad/Black Horse 36" x 48"
Dolphin 16" x 20"
Heliconia (Grande) 48" x 72"
Granadillas 24" x 36"
Pinecones 18" x 24"
Pinecone Ginger 11" x 17"
Orchids 30" x 30"
Tulipanes 20" x 20"
Abogados 30" x 40"
Alberto 16" x 20"
Beoda de Amor (FRIDA) 30" x 40"
Chontaduros 24" x 24"
Esperanza 12" x 18"
La Campesina 20" x 28"
La Niña 24" x 30"
Mafe Portrait 16" x 20"
Palenquera 24" x 24"
Self Portrait 24" X 24"
Sorrowful Moments 24" x 24"
St. Agnes 24" x 24"
bodegón / STILL LIFE
Colorful Bottles 18" x 24"
Frutas Flotantes 30" x 48"
Granadas 20" x 24"
La Justicia 16" x 20"
Little Dog 18" x 24"
Luz de Promesa 24 x 32"
Meditacion 24" x 30"
Red 16" x 20"
Shells on Waves 18" x 24"
Sweet and Sour 11.5" x 15.5"